Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Two Moors Way Update

Monday: 7 hours hiking, 13 miles covered, weather good, terrain moderate.

Tuesday: 4.5 hours hiking, maybe 7 miles covered, weather lousy, terrain difficult.

By half three we were soaked to rhe skin on the longest, most exposed section of moor on the route. With no shelter and no habitation to be seen (and next to no visibility courtesy of the cloud layer we'd been in almost all day) we pitched up for the night. We had just about enough dry kit and plenty of food, but not much water. No, going out in the rain to collect some was not an option!

Wednesday: writing this after 4.5 hours, 8 or so miles, weather lovely, terrain easier.

Shortage of water meant no breakfast, but after three hours my body revolted and we stopped and heated a rice pouch intended as half a dinner. That 400 cals got me to Chagford, a pub lunch and many, many drinks of water.


  1. Did you take some photos? Or was a camera one of the luxuries left behind...?

  2. I took a couple, literally. After the horrendous rain on Tuesday and subsequent showers, the camera went in a waterproof bag in the bottom of the pack, along with the solar phone charger. Will try to upload them over the next couple of days...Rych took a few more, which I'll also get hold of and post.
